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Why should you cook with your kids?

  • To build their language skills

  • Build confidence

  • Start healthy eating habits from a young age. These habits will be taken into adulthood

  • Opportunity to create and express themselves

  • They could find a love for cooking that creates self-identity

When can I start cooking with my kids?

As young as 3 years old! Here are some jobs that each age group can help within the kitchen:

3-5 years old:

  • Stirring cake or biscuit batter

  • Tearing lettuce or herbs

  • Adding ingredients

  • Putting toppings on a pizza

  • Using cookie cutters

  • Beating eggs

  • Mashing potatoes

5-7 years old:

  • Allow your child to use a small knife, while watching. Show them knife safety skills like claw grip to keep their fingers out of the way

  • Grating foods like carrot and cheese (warn them to keep their fingers away!)

  • Rubbing in flour with fingertips when making pastry or scones

8-11 years old

  • Planning the family meals for the week

  • Following a simple recipe

  • Using the stovetop and oven

Tips for cooking with kids:

  • Encourage your kids to taste ingredients while cooking. This will help them be more open to trying new foods or eating their veggies!

  • Praise your child’s efforts. This will encourage them to keep on cooking with you and boost their confidence

  • Make sure all hazards are away when cooking with young children. Pot handles are turned inwards, hot food or liquid is out of reach, nothing is on the floor. Make a space for them to cook at a kitchen table or bench.

  • Small cuts with a knife are normal when cooking. Keep Band-Aids nearby, reflect on why the cut happened, and continue using a knife safely


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