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WISE - Work Integrated Social Enterprise - our work pathway.

With funds from Government and Philanthropy as well as strong collaborations with expert agencies and private business we are able to create pathways to employment for CALD groups whilst a key focus is young people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing we also engage all those of a working age who may be Deaf. This is a direct employment program.

Inspired originally by conversations with Victorian College for the Deaf and other organisations that support CALD, Deaf and Hard of Hearing we are creating experiences that develop employability skills, micro enterprise ideas, sector skills in community development, garden maintenance, cooking and importantly soft skills around empathy, emotional intelligence, growth mindsets and work readiness.   

23 People have taken part in the program between Feb 23 and August 24 !

As an accredited Social Enterprise we provide solutions for employment whilst balancing our social justice lens with the ability to sell a product. For us that product is our Hortus Garden Design and Maintenance Services, supply of produce from the Burwood Brickworks Rooftop Garden and cooking based fee for services. 

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Our goals in work pathway from 2022-25: 

  • Increase employment of people with lived experience of Public Housing or who are CALD by 15%.
  • Develop 1 Sustainable Food System Micro Enterprise.

  • Sustain 2 Food System Social Enterprises.

  • 36 participants within our work pathway program.

  • Co design content with our clients utilising design thinking and spectrum of participation.

  • Share our learnings with a community of practice for others to replicate.

106 Elizabeth St, Richmond VIC  

CP 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Cultiver la Communauté reconnaît respectueusement les peuples de la  Nations Kulin, les gardiens traditionnels de la terre sur laquelle nous jardinons, cuisinons et travaillons. Nous reconnaissons leur lien continu avec la terre, les eaux et la culture, et les riches pratiques agricoles. Nous rendons hommage à leurs aînés passés, présents et émergents, et reconnaissons que la souveraineté n'a jamais été cédée.

Cultiver la communauté © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       Association constituée en société, numéro d'enregistrement A0032404G

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