Kids cooking classes
We teach kids healthy and practical life skills in the kitchen! Children love to suggest favorites from home, using our range of using culturally appropriate ingredients.
If this program can add value your organisation, consult with us to see how we can accommodate your needs. Kids can come to our kitchen - or we can come to yours!
Community Food Centres
Inspired by Community Food Centres in Canada (https://cfccanada.ca/), Cultivating Community has expanded the public housing community garden model to provide a space for more people to be involved in community food activities at the Fitzroy Community Food Centre centre.
We host a range of programs including food distribution, cooking classes, community lunches, small food business incubation, food waste reduction initiatives, and gardening activities.
Baking Groups
Cultivating Community have a number of wood fired ovens in our community gardens including the beautiful Alan Scott oven in the Fitzroy Community Garden where we run our weekly community bakery. In addition to our bakery we run workshops and sessions for schools and community groups.
If this program can add value your organisation, consult with us to see how we can accommodate your needs.
More info:
Visit the High Rise Website
or Contact Peta: 0411 899 618
Kitchen Libraries
Borrow appliances, reusable plates, cups and cutlery, and attend cooking events that bring people together.
More info:
visit the Kitchen Library website
Food Swap
Meet other local food growers, share information, and share your surplus while getting to know your neighbours.
More info:
Join Fitzroy Urban Harvest on Facebook
If you want to organise a food swap in your area, contact us online or contact Peta: 0411 899 618
Why food programs?
Our Food Relief Survey (2020) conducted at our COVID-19 Fresh Food Parcel Program told us that:
Community-capacity building food programs improve access to fresh, healthy and culturally appropriate food and are a vital part of the solution to fighting food insecurity, poverty and hunger.
Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen how cooking
(at all ages) brings the joy of creation, a sense of confidence allowing connection with others, pride in developing human potential, and a greater ability to manage budgets, eat better and improve wellbeing.

Get Involved!
Let’s support Melbourne’s public housing communities cultivate connections, develop lifelong skills, and spread joy through the sharing, preparing, and cooking of delicious nutritious food!
You can help build a better food future.