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Raw Vegetables

Food Access Support


This page describes some of the common types of food support, and tells you where you can find them.


Yarra Council  are providing food access options for residents, these include food packages and pre-made frozen meals 


Does your organisation run food programs? Moving Feast can supply and transport culturally appropriate food.

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Your donation will support us to restock fresh food, increase the number of urban food gardens ready for the next seasonal harvest and provide alternative to cooking programs during this time.

106 維多利亞州里士滿伊麗莎白街 

郵政信箱 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Cultivating Community 尊重當地人民 庫林民族,我們園藝、烹飪和工作的土地的傳統監護人。我們認識到他們與土地、水域和文化以及豐富的農業實踐的持續聯繫。我們向他們過去、現在和新出現的長者表示敬意,並承認主權從未被割讓。

培育社區 © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       註冊協會註冊號 A0032404G

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