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Our Rooftop Farm

In collaboration Cultivating Community and Burwood Brickworks are creating a thriving landscape that improves social connection. Food that is grown is distributed to communities and projects throughout Melbourne.

The rooftop is the home of our work pathways for CALD groups and those who are Deaf or hard of hearing and wider community.  We run activities, workshops and more for people of all ages to engage in food systems knowledge and celebrate cultural diversity. Our neighbours Rombe at Rooftop have an incredible restaurant and venue space available. 




Please register your interest in our offer via the form link:


  • Corporate Volunteer Days ($)

  • Learning and Education Visits ($)

  • Fresh food supply enquiries ( Social Connection crates) ($)

  • Work pathways program ($ and F)

  • Social Prescribing program such as Dementia Groups and Therapeutic Horticulture ($ and F)

  • Workshops and other activities ($ and F)

  • Seedling supplies ($)

  • Tailored ESG Activities ($)

  • Excursion and Incursions ($)

$ is Fee, F is Free

Email us for other general enquiries.

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106 Элизабет-стрит, Ричмонд, Виктория  

PO Box 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Сообщество Cultivating Community с уважением признает народы  Кулинские народы, традиционные хранители земли, на которой мы садим, готовим и работаем. Мы признаем их неизменную связь с землей, водными ресурсами и культурой, а также богатые методы ведения сельского хозяйства. Мы отдаем дань уважения их старейшинам, прошлым, настоящим и новым, и признаем, что суверенитет никогда не уступал место.

Культивирование Сообщества © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       Регистрационный номер объединенной ассоциации A0032404G

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