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Image by Markus Spiske


Composting is a fun, easy, and interesting activity that can help you decrease your waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create some fantastic plant food for your garden!  There are many different composting systems available, depending on your lifestyle and space available for composting.  

To help you on your compost journey, we’ve put together some simple tip sheets. 

Image by Jonathan Kemper

Composting basics

Domestic Waste Bin

Composting trouble-shooting

Image by Markus Spiske

Reducing food waste


easy compost poster- multilingual

Image by Sean Thomas

Worm-farming basics

Image by Olga Thelavart

There is also a wealth of composting knowledge available online. Check out some of our favourite resources below:

Composting with Simone Epsidoe 1

106 Элизабет-стрит, Ричмонд, Виктория  

PO Box 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

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