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Semolina & coconut cookies

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About the Recipe


¾ cup semolina

1 cup shredded coconut

3 tbsp brown sugar

½ cup sunflower oil

2 eggs

½ tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt

15 almonds

50g icing sugar (for decoration)


  1. Preheat oven to 180C

  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper

  3. Beat the eggs, sugar and oil in a large bowl

  4. Add the coconut, semolina, salt and baking powder. Mix until well combined

  5. Take 1 tbsp of dough for each cookie and shape into a ball then flatten it a bit. Place an almond on top into each biscuit

  6. Bake at 180 for 15-20 minutes

  7. Remove from oven and dust with icing sugar

106 ኤልዛቤት ሴንት, ሪችመንድ VIC  

የፖስታ ሳጥን 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084 እ.ኤ.አ

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ማህበረሰብን ማልማት © 2021        አብን 26 998 940 299       የተቀናጀ ማህበር Reg ቁጥር A0032404G

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