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Prep Time:

Cook Time:



About the Recipe


Allergens: Gluten free option, Nut free

Olive oil

Half a small pumpkin

Half a bunch of spring onion


½ cup cream

1/3 cup parsley

½ lemon

2 tablespoons butter

½ cup parmesan cheese

Equipment needed:

measuring tools


chopping board

big bowl

big pan or pot

wooden spoon

large pot



  1. Slice pumpkin into small pieces. Slice spring onion. Finely chop the parsley.

  2. Heat oil in a large pan. Once hot add the pumpkin slices and cook for 5-10 minutes until browned and soft.

  3. Add the spring onion and cook for 2 minutes

  4. Add the cream and a bit of water. Simmer for 3 minutes

  5. Cook pasta as per packet instructions

  6. Add cooked pasta to cream sauce.

  7. Add the juice and zest of the lemon, the chopped parsley, a spoonful of butter and ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese and a good crack of pepper.

  8. Enjoy!

Enjoy with garlic bread!!

Mix together a big spoonful of butter with some finely chopped garlic. Optional to add finely chopped parsley and/or cheese too.

Spread garlic butter over a slice of bread, or in the middle of dinner rolls.

Place in the oven for about 10 minutes.

106 Elizabeth St, Richmond VIC  

Posta Kutusu 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Yetiştirici Topluluğu saygıyla kabul eder.  Kulin Nations, üzerinde bahçe yaptığımız, yemek pişirdiğimiz ve çalıştığımız toprakların Geleneksel Muhafızları. Onların toprakla, sularla ve kültürle ve zengin tarım uygulamalarıyla süregelen bağlantılarının farkındayız. Geçmişteki, şimdiki ve ortaya çıkan Büyüklerine saygılarımızı sunarız ve egemenliğin asla terk edilmediğini kabul ederiz.

Yetiştirme Topluluğu © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       Incorporated Association Reg No. A0032404G

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